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Rubber Fender

Cylindrical Rubber Fenders have a long history. Cylindrical Rubber Fenders are simple and versatile as well as being easy to install. Their progressive reaction makes them ideal for berths serving large and small vessels , especially for the upper protection of gravity quay wall.

NANHAI Cylindrical Rubber Fender's structure is the result of continuous refinement, making it simple,high performance and strong. 



Cylindrical fender were the first fender type to be produced with a defined performance. Adequate installation is simply achieved by using chains, bars, ropes or specially designed ladder brackets. Their proportional increase of reaction force and energy absorption all the way to the rated deflection is an advantage resulting in softer berthing.

  • low reaction, reasonable energy absorption, low hull pressure.
  • Easy to install and maintain.
  • Suit to roll and pitch of berthing vessels.
  • various installation, vertical, horizontal, diagonal.
  • Bulk cargo berths
  • General cargo quays
  • RoRo and ferry terminals
  • Fishing and workboat berths
  • Pontoons and floating structures
  • Tug havens

Cylindrical Rubber Fender Related Projects

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Cylindrical Rubber Fender
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Cylindrical Rubber Fender
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Cylindrical Rubber Fender
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Cylindrical Rubber Fender

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NANHAI Other Marine Industrial Forms

The development of NANHAI during the past 20 years has involved many maritime fields, providing global customers with overall solutions for Berthing, Mooring, Ship to Ship, Ocean Wind Power, Deep-Sea Farming, Buoyancy and Salvage, Bridge Blocking, Ship Launching, Dock Caisson Moving etc.