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Tugboat Rubber Fender

Tugboat Rubber Fenders are made of high abrasion resistance rubber with good resilience propertiesfor required applications. They are very popular with small port craft owners and tug owners.And act as an anti-collision buffer device when the tugboat is working. It is a highly wear-resistant and durable solid rubber fender. Common tugboat fenders are M type, W type, cylindrical and keyhole type. Tug boat fenders can be used in very harsh environments, because of the nature of the tugboat's work, it may be used in working environments with ultra-high temperatures and exposure to chemicals.


installation-4 拷贝
  • The grooved surface provides exceptional grip
  • Simple design and economic
  • Reasonable structure, practical
  • Any lengths
  • Tug boat
  • Workboat
  • Flatboat
  • Icebreakers

Tugboat Fender Related Projects

Application 1
Tugboat Fender
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Tugboat Fender
Application 4
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Tugboat Fender

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